My New Office Chair

After a long, exhaustive and tiring search, I've finally found my true love....opps, I mean my spanking brand new office chair. My trips to the junk store turned out to be futile as those guys charge almost  just as much for a brand new one, so I thought nah... why pay so much for a used one when I can get a new one for almost the same price? So my search for the illusive office chair continued. After dropping some friends off last night, Jen and I made our way to IKEA. You see, I had been sort of eyeing this chair for some time but due to its price I wanted to opt for a similar low back model which was half the price. BUT last night after testing out both the chairs for a million times (Jen would testify to that) I made the gut wrenching decision to go for this model instead. It was painful but I must say that I DON'T REGRET IT AT ALL. If you are ever in IKEA go sit on Moses and Verner at the Office Furniture section and you can literally feel the difference! I am a happy man.


Anonymous said...

This chair look comfortable.. you got it at RM150. From Thom

Anonymous said...

OH You got it! It's a very, very, very chair! Hahaha. Jan & I spotted it in IKEA as well but it was way out of our budget. But very nice to sit on. Good posture and everything else.

Good buy, nonetheless!

Alpha Lim said...

we had many of those at my previous office. very good chairs. just right.

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